Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Well, She Said It Would Snow

This morning was full of giggles and this beautiful face! She is coming around to be back to her jovial self, as well. Thank you to all who have prayed for our PandaFamily as we move through the sadness and loss of a child and a dream to live in JOY and how God has directed our path. Thank you.

PandaGirl was all giddy in telling me how it was going to snow today because it was cold and wet outside. I so confidently told her that snow was a bit more "complicated" than that and how it snowed VERY west of us, but we would not be getting any snow.

Well, guess what?

We open the door to leave for school (OH--I guess I need to add that after all the chaos we put PG back in public school. If there are going to be no other kids around it would get very boring for the both of us to just do homeschool alone. I deleted my homeschool blog and erased that dream away, too. Anyway, I discovered in the six weeks that we DID homeschool that I am NOT cut out for it. That's another post for later!!) and lo & behold!!!!!---It was snowing like crazy----well, crazy for TEXAS!

She and I both screamed and were running through the house yelling for PandaPop to "come look"!!! He probably thought we were being invaded by Huns or something the way we were carrying on, but it was just too exciting and way too ironic that I had just told PG that it wouldn't snow! LOL! ; ) I was also trying to grab my camera so fast while still squealing with delight. I have to document everything, you know. Two of my friends (one here and the other here) are doing scrapbooks called December Dailies where you add a picture to a pre-made scrapbook of your own making to represent each day of the month of December. I called both of them with a huge smile on my face saying,

"This is going to make for a GREAT December Daily pic!!!"

So, let it be said that IN NORTH TEXAS on December 2, 2009 it snowed the most beautiful powdery, fluffy white snow and brought a little more JOY into our lives.


  1. You certainly have had lots of twists and turns in the last few months. I'm glad you are hanging in there. I can't believe you have snow! West MI is expecting it to arrive late tonight and its predicted for the next 5 days. It's normal here and yet I'm in denial. I'm glad you are embracing all that white powdery JOY!!

  2. Hey, maybe she will become a meteorologist!! Fred would be so proud!! :0)

  3. I laughed because Jeremy called me from work and was like a little kid.Screaming, "Its snowing outside Its snowing." Ahhh... The joys of a husband.
